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When it snows overnight, there is a muffling of the morning sounds. The effect is as if you've moved cities while sleeping and have woken up somewhere much calmer-- where the morning rush never quite hit, traffic noises all swallowed by the fluffy snow.

Unfortunately, this blissful calmness is often counter to what the demands of the world want: you need to get up early to clean off the car of snow and account for traffic to get to work on time, rather than sit cozy inside, bustling away at indoor work. But don't worry, I didn't need to do that today.

Have a little photo of my alley this morning.

White person thinking about racism, fediverse politics/history (racism), advice request, boosts welcome 

With the lovely Twitter influx, it seems like there's a renewed search for BIPOC users from two groups: BIPOC users themselves and white people wanting to diversify their daily experiences/the content they see.

It seems a bit silly that white people are asking after this, since I get the impression that there really isn't a very large community of BIPOC users anymore, due to white users harassing BIPOC users (especially black authors) off the platform. In light of this, it seems like it'd be good if white people gave nascent BIPOC communities a little space for a couple weeks, at least?

I don't want to isolate people who want to find each other, but I also don't want to put anyone on the spot/tokenize people, either. IMO, communities form best with a little bit of privacy, and that it's kind of rude for white people to expect to consume a list of BIPOC creators when it doesn't seem like there's really a large, underlying community yet.

I haven't really been sure of how best to address this situation, so I've stayed kind of quiet when I've seen requests come through my feed, but that also hasn't felt quite right.

So, two-ish questions, primarily for BIPOC users here, if you have the energy for it:
1. Does this seem like a legitimate problem to you? Is there a simple solution I'm missing?
2. Would you like me to tag/mention you, personally, when I see requests come in? Would you rather be mentioned in response to another BIPOC user, or would you like white followers just as much (idk, if they 'seem cool')? Feel free to reply via DM if that feels better.

And apologies in advance if I've gotten something super wrong. I haven't navigated a situation like this before but I think that this might be important and I would like to do a good job of it, if I can.

I also help moderate the matrix server at, as well as help out with Layer Zero, a physical hackerspace in Minneapolis.

If you'd like to be involved with either of these spaces, please reach out! We're not elite-- it's just more fun to do this stuff together and you're welcome to join us. :)

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I realize I don't think I introduced myself.

Hi, I'm Starless. I am usually a soft human who likes building things, spaces, and worlds. Sometimes I paint, sometimes I program, and sometimes I do leatherwork. When my hearing is behaving, I'll sometimes make music, too.

I've built a few technical projects. Lately, I've been working on getting portable receipt printers to make cool stuff (like fortunes and quests). I have some background in manufacturing and medical devices.

Non vegetarian food(help requested), minor health, eating, boosts welcome 

Are there any food humans on fedi that could help? My psychiatrist says I should eat more liver (long story...) and the only kind locally available is beef liver. I don't eat beef, but it's at least a bit of a consolation that the animal isn't being killed for its liver. I can handle the ethical quandary myself.

But, how do I cook this thing? I don't like handling meat, but I do have a sous vide machine.

I made some liver puree (soak liver in milk, drain milk, fill sous vide pouch with liver and diced onion and garlic, cook ~130f for an hour, then whip), but I suspect two things:
1. This is undercooked
2. This tastes way too rich for me

Are there other good options here? I don't mind the metallic taste, but it just feels like I'm eating whipped butter, which is pretty gross?

Every liver recipe I see involves browning the thing or searing it or whatever and, like... I'd just prefer something easy that I can mix into rice and not feel like I'm eating lard. I don't want to feel like I'm eating beef, I'd just like something I can choke down without my body screaming 'why are you eating butter' or similar. Is it worth fighting this, or should I just try to put it on potatoes or other places I might put butter? Totally at a loss here.

Any advice? Boosts appreciated.

starless boosted

edgy my little pony oc named Shooting Star. everyone thinks she's an astronomer, but she "grants wishes" by shooting people for money

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Oh god QMB has found a movie where a blind person is being attacked or something and her only hope is the person on the other end of one of those "Be My Eyes" apps that I detest so much.

We're gonna have to watch that some night when I'm not so tired. I am kind of scared of how awful it is going to be, but I need to know...

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See for Me 

Haha that taxi driver is way too willing to back off when asked, I wish I ever encountered any like that. ;)

Of course she's not using her white cane in the new place. Turns out I can't see now either because I'm rolling my eyes too hard.

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The voting period has officially started, and will run from now until saturday afternoon.
Precise closing time will follow.

Voting works by mentioning this bot and writing "vote xxxx" where xxxx is the four letter code for the song you want to vote for.

The four letter codes can be found in square brackets in the playlist:

A description of the voting process is also available here:

Let the voting begin!

#FediVision #FediVision2022

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trying to follow this instruction:

talk about the things you love, even if you think nobody cares.

people won't ask for it at least at first, but some of them will care

and it's attractive to see someone talk about the things they love.

let go of the notion that it's worthless if you don't get a minimum number of listeners, reactions, replies.

practice caring publicly about the things you care about.

I think this is a good reminder for me. I never liked being shy anyway

starless boosted

I have a 15-minute long ambient audio recording of a storm rolling in with me practicing some harp over it and some occasional airplanes.

I'm sure the file export for this thing is huge. Any suggestions for how to share it?

Painted a little window scene. 3"x2" on Stonehenge heavy paper.

Have some little watercolor doodles. I've been mostly exploring clouds lately.

Any tips on painting dramatic clouds with watercolor?

starless boosted

PSA: To everyone who is #NewHere, and those who are not.

When you use hashtags it can help those using a #ScreenReader to use #CamelCase. Screen-readers can then find and pronounce the constituent words, rather than trying to pronounce the whole thing.

It's not essential, but it's one way we can make the Fediverse more welcoming.

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Yesterday I went to a really neat art workshop about drawing trees. Learnt some new techniques for masking with watercolours, and had a fun time playing around with mixed media. This one is a mix of watercolour, oil pastel, tissue paper and acrylic pen.

#MastoArt #MixedMedia #Trees

starless boosted This architect is doing some of the wildest solarpunk shit I've seen in my life! I don't know what to think about this?! Everything seems completely impossible :D Lots of cool designs though! Especially I've been wishing for an airship comeback, for many reasons, but vertical ones?! wild

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I'm seeing a lot of proclamations that there should be no exceptions to describing your images or that there's no reason to interact with any that aren't described.

I know these mean well, but they are themselves ableist.

Disabled people know that access needs can clash. I benefit from described images, but I know some people struggle to write them because of their own disabilities.

And that's okay! The culture of image descriptions is great here but it should never be absolutist.

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I challenged someone on their hardline stance on this once, and it blew up into a tiny fedi drama, with the nice outcome of more social solutions.

That's around the time people started to CW undescribed images.

My instance developed an emoji :help_describe: to indicate you'd like a media description added.

There's a group you can tag, @imagecaptionspls, that people follow who are willing to add descriptions.

And there's @PleaseCaption to remind you if you forget.

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Please describe:

* your jokes/memes - it's no good saying "this is just silly, you're not missing anything"; let us be the judge of that! Also, being disabled isn't about being dull and worthy all the time.

* your artwork - I'm so sad when I see cool art I can't boost (and sometimes can't even discern :) )

* your gifs and videos - description isn't just for still images!

* your audio clips - yep, these can be described too!

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.