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mh (-), PSA on how to talk about triggers with friends (okay, with me) 

Friend: [over text, after sending me a picture of an outfit they had on a few days ago]
$thing is one of your triggers, right?

Me: [taking deep breaths while trying not to think of anything while texting back, feeling my heart rate spike]
Yes, $thing is still one of my triggers.

Oh, okay, cool. I had a picture of $thing from last night, so I figured I should check with you before sending it. Glad I remembered right!

Me: [thoroughly spiraling, triggered]
Yeah.. Thanks. 🙃

Friend: [radio silence]

PSA: Check in with how your friends are doing before asking them to list of their triggers. For maybe obvious reasons. When they're feeling good, ask them how they'd like you to address content around their triggers (warn you, discussion okay but not photos, etc).

Once you're finished discussing potentially triggering content or have accidentally brought it up, consider changing the topic to something nice to help draw their attention elsewhere for a while.

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stray thoughts 

How do you give a fictional place a personality? What aspects of that place can you use to express a personality?

queer sci-fi light reading suggestions 


My current favorite in that niche is probably The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet ( and the corresponding series.

Worth noting is also basically anything by Elizabeth Bear, but I really enjoyed Ancestral Night (

There's a MN-local author named Lyda Morehouse that's written a very cool near-future, super cyberpunk-y, theocracy. The first novel is called Archangel protocol ( , and it's a five ish book series with truly stunning worldbuilding. The first book, IIRC, reads a bit like a trashy, straight romance/old-school detective pulp novel, but the latter ones feel pretty dang cool. If you can get through the straightness of book 1, there's some nice vintage (early 2000s) queer delight in here. Lesbian author, later published/re-published by a transwoman editor. Nice people.

For something a little more involved, I highly recommend Ninefox Gambit ( This series is an absolute delight. I gotta go now, but it's sort of a blend between Korean culture and Texan culture and folks are homosexual by default. It's pretty rad.

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kitty on lap, there is much pain and suffering in the world but not in this room #Caturday

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fuck it, I'm releasing my databending drum machine TONIGHT

make drum loops with percussive samples procedurally generated from opus codec glitches!~ 🥁💥💻

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This random rooster kept showing up in my yard today, so I set up the most Wile E Coyote-ass trap to get rid of him

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The Emperor Norton Coffee Hour returns to kick off tonight's #CircusInPlace video chat.

Join us for a cup of whatever suits your fancy starting at 7pm UTC-5, and stick around to watch clowns practice the sorts of gravity defying things that make you say "wow!"

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#Malagasy_Language idiom of the day:

Mandrora mitsilany or mandrora mantsilany, depending on the dialect.

Meaning “to spit while lying on your back”

i.e. to harm yourself while trying to inflict harm onto others.

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What's the word for somebody that's not an immigrant? What's the privilege someone has if they're in the country they are from?

Because my instinct is to say "native" and obviously /that's/ not what I want...!

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police raid on gay men in MD, USA 

Police rounded up a bunch of gay men at a hookup spot in MD, USA:

Several men were sent to jail overnight and are facing charges of violating a MD sodomy law, never mind that courts in MD's jurisdictions have already tossed similar sodomy laws in other states after SCOTUS's ruling in Lawrence.

I expect they'll escape being sentenced, or win on appeal. But they've already been punished for their non-crimes: jail, arrest & legal fees, etc.

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singular: dubstep

plural: dubstairs

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Hey! Do you take estradiol pills and/or are interested in estradiol delivery mechanisms? If it were possible to make estradiol delivery more efficient (such that one person’s needs could be met with only a fraction of a prescription), would that interest you?

You might want to read this article, which explores one possible way of doing just that!

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Hey! You, yes you! Do you make techno, house, or really anything that fits a midtempo rave style format?

Do you wanna have sone random DJ spin your tunes on a stream and at local live events?

Send me you shiznit! Especially if your queer or part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community! I wanna use whatever platform I have at a given event to promote indie and self-made artists! Let me bust down the cistem and queerify them dancefloors

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Just like in martial arts, conveying power is a matter of chaining things together. #arttips

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Spouse has become the resident Houseplant Person during quarantine and I don’t know much about plants but I like how this calathea does little yoga stretches throughout the day (these were taking morning & night on the same day) 🧘 🙆🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

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Do you know a #blog (or similar) about projects, contacts, news and so on on the topic #hackers fighting #climatechange ?
Something like "This week in Matrix" (link below) just for hackers interested to spread news on their environmental protection projects as well as stay up to date on what happens around the world (ideally).

We had the idea to set up something like that.

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I know there's some people with ME/CFS here, including mutuals. I'm planning to get diagnosed in autumn, until then:
Please share with me your best online ressources on how to maintain an energy level that allows you to get things done, as well as any other advice that made a difference for you.

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