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The rush to discover whether you're LGBTQIA or neurodivergent first:
Egg and Spoon race.

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Once again, for the new folks in the peanut gallery, if on Android, try Tusky or FediLab. If iOS, pay the $4 for Toot! or get MetaText for free. The official app is, well, ass. The folks who boost this will underscore how true this is.

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For those who don't know, Bookwyrm is basically a better, federated Goodreads. Because it speaks ActivityPub, you can subscribe to someone's Bookwyrm feed from directly in Mastodon and see the book reviews they post!

Also there are 2 spots remaining in the Bookwyrm patreon to pay $40/mo and support the project in a huge way *and* have @tripofmice run a server for you and 50 of your bookwormiest friends:

starless boosted

changing times, long and rambling probably 

Well, we’ve been saying Over Here for a long time "no, we’re not trying to kill Twitter, we don’t need Twitter to die for us to be successful, because our definition of success is drastically different than theirs."

(I use "we" as if we’re homogeneous and we are so not - give me a pass on this please, it’s easier to write with we)

and now that people are starting to file for the exits and light incense for the coming last rites, we can say we didn’t kill it; if anything, we find ourselves doing our best to save the best bits of it we see.

That’s you new neighbors. You’re the best bits.

It’s people. It’s always been people and it always will be people.

The technology is so secondary it’s barely worth considering. We’ve excelled at building community with so much less technology than we currently have. It’s ancillary to the task at hand.

Make connections. Listen. Think. Feel. People things.

If the tools don’t work exactly how we like, we’ll work together to change or replace them. That bit can be long and tedious and tiring and that can get frustrating, but we can work through that, too.

For far too long we’ve allowed corporate entities to define the shape of our social spaces, to turn them into places of competition.

May we continue to strive to make this piece of the void we’re carving out cooperative and people-centered.

I’ll be seeing you around, folks. I hope you find a cozy bit to call yours here and some folk that make it feel like home.


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how to open an instance if you're not tech-inclined 

I saw a post about this not being easy and got inspired to put this together since my non-programmer self has been able to do it on/off for the 4 years I've been here. If you're interested in opening your own instance, there are some cool options out that make it far more accessible to do so.

Side notes: Before you get started, you'll need to purchase a domain name (your instance URL) through the registrar of your choice, unless you use's subdomain hosting (i.e. [yourchoice] A virtual server or hosting plan will also require paying a monthly or yearly fee.

Managed Hosting
These hosts will do all the legwork for you - they manage the server and installation, so any technical issues will be handled by them. It's a great option for those who don't know or don't want to deal with the technology side.

- They have hosting plans for Mastodon, Hometown, Pleroma, Peertube, and Pixelfed.

- They have hosting plans for Mastodon, but new subscriptions are currently on hold.

Self-Host with Easy Installation:
These options have easy to use interfaces that require minimal command line usage to get started. The downside is that if there are any issues, you will not have someone to handle that, but there are resources and forums for both solutions with people who can help troubleshoot (I've used the associated GitHub pages for help with apps on YunoHost many times).

DigitalOcean Droplet: DigitalOcean offers "droplets," which are virtual servers. You can install Mastodon as a 1-click app in their system. There is minimal command line usage needed after the install and is contained in the linked page.

YunoHost: YunoHost, or "y u no host?," is an application that you can install on a virtual server. It is filled with many different 1-click applications that you can install across domain names. They have a lot of fedi software on there: Mastodon, Glitch-Soc, Misskey, Pleroma, Pixelfed, WriteFreely, Plume, and more. Command line usage is needed to install it, but their guides make it very easy to follow and copy/paste.

Hosting your own instance can be really fun; not only can make a clever domain name to go with your username ( is one of the existing ones that comes to mind), you can also have all the custom emoji you can dream of

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Project Include is working on a blogpost/articles on nonbinary workers and on transgender workers in tech. We are looking for resources we can highlight, and experts and workers we can interview. We're eager to get many perspectives of people from a diverse set of backgrounds. We are willing to pay people for their time, too. Please reach out if you have ideas or can otherwise help!

starless boosted I was invited to do a panel a few months ago by Blue Sky concerning moderation and harassment in online communities. One of the few comments I was allowed to make was about the lack of will to build these spaces around community versus engagement. The problem is not technology.

Not only was I ignored for the rest of the panel, but the moderator quite rudely told me I should be quiet and not bring it up again until the panel was over.

In my experience, you will be ignored and marginalized if you don't regurgitate the same drivel as to why communities online aren't safe.

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I would like to find more deafies on the Fediverse. Anybody know of any besides me?

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Webinar on the Indigenous Deaf American experience, watch live or look for the recording later:

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There once was a man
from Peru, whose limericks all
looked like Haiku. He

said with a laugh, "I
cut them in half! The pay is
much better for two!"

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Just getting the word out that I'm looking for a new gig.

Ideally, I'm looking for product manager roles, with a particular interest in tech manager because of my background, but I'm open to doing some part-time web design and/or development work as well.

For a bit more detailed breakdown, check this out:

starless boosted

I'm looking forward to spending a night hanging out with friends online, practicing my circus skills, and being silly in the #CircusInPlace video chat.

The only thing that could make my night better is your company.

Join me, my performing partners, and our fediverse friends starting at 8pm UTC-6, and well into the wee hours.


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I always have mixed feelings about trans awareness week and trans day of visibility, because most cis people who talk about it go exclusively for the "you are valid" angle instead of the "trans healthcare has collapsed entirely and we need to do something about that" angle. Like I appreciate the first one, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it reads as a little shallow when you don't also talk about the second. You get me?

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You can just be a girl if you want. It’s okay. Or a boy, or something else, or no gender at all. You’re not too old, or too young, or too much, or not enough, or trespassing, or appropriating, or causing trouble. It’s okay. Really.

But the important thing is: do what you want, not what you think you’re allowed. Find the joy and follow that. You can experiment and you can change your mind. That’s okay too.


When it snows overnight, there is a muffling of the morning sounds. The effect is as if you've moved cities while sleeping and have woken up somewhere much calmer-- where the morning rush never quite hit, traffic noises all swallowed by the fluffy snow.

Unfortunately, this blissful calmness is often counter to what the demands of the world want: you need to get up early to clean off the car of snow and account for traffic to get to work on time, rather than sit cozy inside, bustling away at indoor work. But don't worry, I didn't need to do that today.

Have a little photo of my alley this morning.

White person thinking about racism, fediverse politics/history (racism), advice request, boosts welcome 

With the lovely Twitter influx, it seems like there's a renewed search for BIPOC users from two groups: BIPOC users themselves and white people wanting to diversify their daily experiences/the content they see.

It seems a bit silly that white people are asking after this, since I get the impression that there really isn't a very large community of BIPOC users anymore, due to white users harassing BIPOC users (especially black authors) off the platform. In light of this, it seems like it'd be good if white people gave nascent BIPOC communities a little space for a couple weeks, at least?

I don't want to isolate people who want to find each other, but I also don't want to put anyone on the spot/tokenize people, either. IMO, communities form best with a little bit of privacy, and that it's kind of rude for white people to expect to consume a list of BIPOC creators when it doesn't seem like there's really a large, underlying community yet.

I haven't really been sure of how best to address this situation, so I've stayed kind of quiet when I've seen requests come through my feed, but that also hasn't felt quite right.

So, two-ish questions, primarily for BIPOC users here, if you have the energy for it:
1. Does this seem like a legitimate problem to you? Is there a simple solution I'm missing?
2. Would you like me to tag/mention you, personally, when I see requests come in? Would you rather be mentioned in response to another BIPOC user, or would you like white followers just as much (idk, if they 'seem cool')? Feel free to reply via DM if that feels better.

And apologies in advance if I've gotten something super wrong. I haven't navigated a situation like this before but I think that this might be important and I would like to do a good job of it, if I can.

I also help moderate the matrix server at, as well as help out with Layer Zero, a physical hackerspace in Minneapolis.

If you'd like to be involved with either of these spaces, please reach out! We're not elite-- it's just more fun to do this stuff together and you're welcome to join us. :)

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I realize I don't think I introduced myself.

Hi, I'm Starless. I am usually a soft human who likes building things, spaces, and worlds. Sometimes I paint, sometimes I program, and sometimes I do leatherwork. When my hearing is behaving, I'll sometimes make music, too.

I've built a few technical projects. Lately, I've been working on getting portable receipt printers to make cool stuff (like fortunes and quests). I have some background in manufacturing and medical devices.

Non vegetarian food(help requested), minor health, eating, boosts welcome 

Are there any food humans on fedi that could help? My psychiatrist says I should eat more liver (long story...) and the only kind locally available is beef liver. I don't eat beef, but it's at least a bit of a consolation that the animal isn't being killed for its liver. I can handle the ethical quandary myself.

But, how do I cook this thing? I don't like handling meat, but I do have a sous vide machine.

I made some liver puree (soak liver in milk, drain milk, fill sous vide pouch with liver and diced onion and garlic, cook ~130f for an hour, then whip), but I suspect two things:
1. This is undercooked
2. This tastes way too rich for me

Are there other good options here? I don't mind the metallic taste, but it just feels like I'm eating whipped butter, which is pretty gross?

Every liver recipe I see involves browning the thing or searing it or whatever and, like... I'd just prefer something easy that I can mix into rice and not feel like I'm eating lard. I don't want to feel like I'm eating beef, I'd just like something I can choke down without my body screaming 'why are you eating butter' or similar. Is it worth fighting this, or should I just try to put it on potatoes or other places I might put butter? Totally at a loss here.

Any advice? Boosts appreciated.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.