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Everyone is invited to participate in this survey about ability to become pregnant, regardless of gender, sex or trans status. It's open until 5th Oct 2021, and I'll blog the results.

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machine learning is amazing because you take a bunch of data you don't have permission to use and a few million matrix multiplications later you can generate the wrong answer to any question

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New Trans lives in the UK survey:

99% experienced transphobia on social media
93% said media transphobia [fueled] strangers on the street
57% avoid going to the doctor when sick
63% experienced transphobia while seeking jobs

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@sashakovich @keelancook

I found a copy of the later book, Proverbs of Ancient Sumer. If Otis any indication, it's appropriately rife with filth.

If you can find out where the original tablet lives now, perhaps mentioned in the forward, that would be an amazing lead.

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@cyberia in the context of pseudonym, key and identity management. For example, creating a new pseudonym identity in the system is called "pick a nym", and an public server for pseudonymous users may be called a "nym server".

It came from the original Cypherpunk mailing list in the 90s, there was a huge amount of discussions about privacy and anonymous communications here, thus this shorthand.

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stepping out of my time machine into the Cambrian era with one of those seafood bibs tied around my neck

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I almost forgot woke IKEA Switzerland, which used Blahaj to promote the referendum in favor of the legalization of marriage for gay ppl

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I need to find a good photo management thing.

I have emby for videos and music, kogma for comics, but between me and Felicity we have something like 100 gigs of photos.

I want something I can have on my server at home that has good sorting and management things for bulk photos and be available on the local network. External availability isn't as important.

any suggestions?

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i don't know which is more surprising: that i just managed to spell "acknowledgements" correctly on the first try, or that that's actually how it's spelled

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It revealed that those using wooden cutting boards in their home kitchens were less than half as likely as average to contract salmonellosis, those using synthetic (plastic or glass) cutting boards were about twice as likely as average to contract salmonellosis - and the effect of cleaning the board regularly was not statistically significant.


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Survival Library/Sustainability Library 

Open Access Ebooks for farmers, gardners, community development and more:

From Practical Action

See also CD3WD, CD's for the 3rd World. This set also also includes ebooks from Practical Action, more books on farming, vocational ed (electronics, carpentry, metal working), offline education for K-12, library of novels for offline use and more.

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Hey, friends of the Fediverse. Just because I'm curious, what's your eye color?

Boosts appreciated for sample size <3

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Friends, I'm getting serious about sharing my fiction writing, and I'd like to ask for your support.

I've re-launched a Ko-Fi page, as the vibe is much better than Patreon, and planned an entire series of posts and excerpts, and even videos, to share the novels that I'm working on.

All the posts about my writing process will be free to read, always. But I would also put to good use any donations or memberships you'd like to give, too, especially right now.

Having modern-enough tech to get a work from home job, being able to keep studying IT and infosec (and a language!), even the hosting and domain to start building this fictional world its own online home -- it stays just out of financial reach, and that's frustrating.

Whatever you can spare helps, even $1 a month. And this time, I'm nervously excited to share something with you in return!  :ablobdj:

So if you like queer-centered science fiction and fantasy -- or even if you're just nosy about what my desk looks like this week -- please do stop by.

Boosts are appreciated!

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ohh I had no idea ‘these violent delights have violent ends’ was from Romeo and Juliet

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There's more coffee waiting for me but...the snuggles! I cannot move!

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Do any fedi friends have access to a theological library?

I'm trying to find someone to help me get a photocopy of a page or two from this book:

It allegedly contains a photo of a cuneiform tablet which records history's oldest joke.

As a clown, I need a copy. :)

I'm also interested in having a copy of the book, though it seems to be looooooong out of print.

Any help, including boosts, appreciated!

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I've been working on this for three months and it's finally done. 78 pages on the history of leather, sluts, and families at US Prides, from 1965 to 1995. Includes background on Pride as a polyvocal celebration and leather as a queer subculture; multifarious sexual and gender expression at Pride; the Lesbian Sex Wars; reaction from the right; and the interplay of radical and normalizing forces within LGBTQ activism.

Minneapolis hackerspace/Cyberia update 

Build day at the hackerspace went well, thanks to all who came out! We got so much done!

-removed a leaky sink and capped the pipes
-sanded much glue off the walls
-scraped paint and glue off the walls
-patched a 2×5 foot hole in the plaster on the ceiling
-plastered over glue and small holes in walls
-demolished a ramshackle plywood structure upstairs
-replaced the locks
-fixed an antique door latch
-ate snacks!
-swept up and tidied up

I had a great time working with all of you, and I'm so happy everyone stayed safe. Great job everyone! 💙

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.