thanks @woozong for reminding me of this vonnegut quote.

i often go on little journeys for a single item too, and people think i'm crazy for it.

you're going to bike 4 miles for a box of cereal?

yeah, idk, i like having something to do. anything. i like browsing, buying 1 thing, talking to shop owners about how they're feeling

one time i got to hug and comfort a crying restaurant owner. his business was closing and i let him know how much it meant to me

"doing nothing" is meaningful


@j3s @woozong one of my favorite things to do when we get a big snow is to walk somewhere and achieve a small quest.

It's like the snow discourages running real errands, but walking through the snow to get half a gallon of milk or whatever just feels pretty dang good. It's so quiet and I feel so fulfilled afterwards.

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