if you, as a man, send me a winky face after a passive aggressive slack message, I should be entitled to five hundred dollars in compensation for emotional damages, and also property damage because if this happens one more time I'm putting my head through the wall

when asking for a link to an internal resource I was given a link to the docs and told "you'll find a broken link due to a typo. Fix when you find it! ;)"
the broken link was the link I was looking for, and the text of the link was correct but the embedded location of the link had two characters swapped. Am I going insane. Am I in a clown house. Is this how the adult world operates.

the second time this happened I was asking if this guy found a dockerfile that he said he was going to send me, and then said "I don't have it, also there's nothing special in that dockerfile so IDK what you were hoping to find there anyway" and I was like "it's cool, I was just looking for a working example because I've never built a windows dockerfile before, but if you don't have it that's no problem" and then he linked me to the top level "dockerfile on windows" docs with a "RTM 😉 "


@wgahnagl this is very normal, but also very shitty.

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