@astrid they're great! I like to put them over black with a clear sealant to smooth over the chip.
@starless !!! omg i would love to see pictures if you have any
@astrid honestly, no. They're a little rough, so you will probably want to use many coats of clear coat gel. I think we used about five, they can take a while to fully cure.
Other than that, just artificial nail hassles.
Honestly, it was pretty rad, and the nail tech, once she got her stride, was really into buying some for her own projects and stuff, too.
I honestly really like them, they feel like one of the very few techs that is feminine and really punishes someone for not putting it on a nail as a part of a lovely manicure. It's a really nice place for an item that's okay if it goes off a lot. I had a lot of fun with mine.
When I had the data only chip, I wished for an led nail to help folks scan it. If you're considering getting a data nail, I recommend also putting on an led one, but that's about all the issue I ran into. It was easy and great, just plan for removal strat, the removal process generally damages the circuit (and the nail a little, too, bc gel/acrylic).
@starless thats super cool! did you have any surprising problems with it?