Minneapolis hacker space meet and greet / open barbecue 

Hi! Cyberia is gearing up to work on our new hackerspace and we'd love to include our new fedi friends!

This whole thing is totally free. Bring just yourself, or possibly just yourself and a snack or something to toss on the grill if ya want.

Here are some days within the next week or so, we'll schedule for when folks can make it. Please vote, we'd really love to have ya! framadate.org/ApSCeoP7O3Qi4MgZ

(more details in next toot)

Minneapolis Cyberia barbecue details 

Access-wise, the barbecue space is outside in uptown Minneapolis in a yard near an apartment building. Although the yard is a little small, it's right next to a parking lot, so if you'd be comfy with a little more space, we should be able to work something out. The hosting household has a small pug (who is very well behaved and can stay inside) and there may be some beer or similar. Mobility-wise, there is a flight of stairs up to the main door and the railing isn't weight-bearing, so if stairs are a challenge, you might not be able to access the bathroom/sink. If you need an accommodation, please let me know, and we can see what we can do. :)

We're hosting this so we can meet new folks before showing y'all around the new space, because we're a little shy and wanna verify that strangers from the internet are real people, and sharing food is a pretty good way to do that.

Also, Forest is a really really good cook, and I really hope you'll come. Like, we're all very cool and work on very good stuff so you want to meet Cyberians anyways, but uh, I am always really impressed by what this man cooks up. Delicious, beautiful stuff, and he really likes to cook for others.

Anyways, if you've got any questions, let me know. No assholes, no nazis, but this is Cyberia, so you already knew that. If you didn't, check out cyberia.club to learn more.


Minneapolis Cyberia barbecue details 

Please boost! 💙

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