
Mild nudity, painting WIP, fat mermaid 💙 

I've been working on this lovely lady for a couple of days now. Hopefully I'll finish her by the end of .

I really struggled to find a good reference image for her, so I kinda fudged some of the bits. Also, I'm just still learning a lot. 😅

I enjoy how refreshing it is to draw characters that aren't all bone and muscle, though. It's like I get to break art rules, and also like I'm still drawing something that's more realistic/relatable than standard "art" body types. It feels like being both rebellious and more technically correct at the same time, which is absolutely an intoxicating feeling. If you haven't, I highly suggest you make some art of unusual human bodies. It's good for representation and also just feels so freeing. :)

Mild nudity, painting of a fat mermaid making eye contact with the viewer 

Hey, uh, I think I finished this!

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