
Bad sleep, tarot, overwork, python, git 

Hi hello, I have a meeting in six hours and I haven't slept yet. But! Tonight I re-implemented the basics for my tarot reading generator and made some good steps towards getting it running as a little app on a raspi with a touch screen! And, the whole thing talks to a receipt printer, and it's on git.

Next up is installing the dependencies on the pi, being kinder to the folks hosting my code rn (I haven't written an ignore file yet...), and building a card interpretation dictionary and printing that alongside the card image.

But hey, I'd put this part off forever, so yay for doing the first step. It's hosted here, if you want to read. It's a lot of sample code still floating around.

Bad sleep, tarot, overwork, python, git 

@starless this sounds fun, i will look at it :D

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