still haven't found a dictionary for DGS signs for stuff like "anarchism", "Marxist backstabber", "democratic confederalist" etc. even ASL with its overwhelming presence it's hard to find political terms. but I now know a LSM word for zapatismo:

though it doesn't seem to be used here

at 1:40-, it's easy to see when the interpreter fingerspells sub. Marcos but I'm not able to parse which sign she's using for "zapatismo" immediately after. it doesn't help that the dang video keeps cutting away the interpreter lol

do you remember when it was possible to search things with computers? those were the days

it's ridiculous how it's now normal that computers are adversarial to their owners and using a computer now means to be working around constantly hostility of software designed specifically to not help you, and this is accepted enough that for young people that's their whole idea of what a computer is, a sort of scammy robot always trying to pull one over you

the main reason I use Linux despite how frustrating and headachy it constantly is is that I'm allergic to the feeling that some corporation is shaping what I do with my computer and how. I found Windows 95 and the first OSX to be so condescending and constraining as to be intolerable, and both only got worse with time. I hate Linux and the STEM-poisoned culture surrounding it, but there's no alternative.

however so much of computing now is web or mobile, and as years pass more and more migrates to it. and then when I'm using stuff that's garden-walled in other people's servers or that's only available in "no root in your own device: the OS" Android, I have to swallow the same sensation I've been working hard to escape all my life: that a USA corporation put a straightjacket on me.

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