Stralsund trip
cat is showing her affection for me by knocking down my earrings and other things, hanging onto my tactical flashlight's strap, trying to leave the house together etc.
woke up my lovers with lil kisses, said goodbye to both, left with 10min to spare. I myselves woke up 10 minutes before my alarm too. I love this executive function thing
Stralsund trip
I wonder what's the name of the type of these beautiful Berlin street signs.
> Ob die bis heute verwendete _Berliner Straßenschildschrift_ tatsächlich von Herbert Thannhaeuser geschaffen wurde, konnte bislang nicht eindeutig geklärt werden.
Berliner Straßenschildschrift. I don't know what I expected.jpeg.
This is specifically the West variant—a digitalised form of both East and West is FF Cst Berlin:
East isn't bad but the capitalists won this one, that face is distinctive in a very Berliner way. look at that lowercase "Y"!