regular reminder that valve/steam is itself a corporation that exists to make money
@rinmari neither program is allowed autostart privlidges on my machine.
egs giving free shit (currently only cause i used it to claim a copy of Cygni) is the only reason i use their thing
@rinmari also drm is still drm, it doesnt magically become better just because its not securom or denuvo
@rinmari (not directed at you btw, i shouldntve started rambling)
@lyncia Like I don't mind buying games on Steam but I'm not gonna be one of those bozos who will only buy PC games if they're on steam, and refuse to get if it's only on itch or off the developer's site for free
@rinmari itch ❤️
@lyncia "but but steam drm is better than other DRM, i bet you stan EGS"