
save the pollinators
leave some water out with like, stones in it (big enough to be above water) so bees can get some water safely in these hot days.

this message brought to you by :marilove: bug princess

@lyncia oh, thank you I didn’t think to put stones in my birdbath, the little bees sit on the edge of it and dip their faces in the water. And if a bunch of it evaporates before I go out there to freshen it they crawl down into the bowl it’s adorable.

I’ve only seen one Bluejay at my birdbath this whole time, but I go out and change the water twice a day because every time I go out there bees are in it. It’s been 90° here for weeks. I’m happy I can help them.

@lyncia how do I make sure only pollinators and not mosquitoes trying to lay eggs get access to the standing water

If I were doing this personally I would drag it into the woods behind our house a few hundred feet and check on it daily to make sure there are no mosquito larvae

@Byte @lyncia if it is in a garden you water regularly, refreshing the water regularly while you do that would be a good idea to avoid larvae while still being great for other creatures.

@lyncia @thufie maybe I can make some sort of small fountain that slowly replaces the water. Slow enough friend bugs can still shlorp up some water but fast enough that anything floating in it will wash out the side

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