Working on my second attempt at a low-plastic stacking solution for the cheap "non-stackable" NOJIG bins from IKEA. This time it's a net that hooks over the edges of the bin. Hoping it's a bit more stable than my previous corner support solution.

More work will certainly be needed to reduce the plastic consumption, but it's a decent start!

This design change would reduce the plastic use by about 50%.

If we're 3D-printing with filament anyway, why not add a few wires for strength? They cost barely any plastic!

@joepie91 i am extremely sceptical that will significantly add to the strength


@bananas Probably not significantly, but it doesn't need to be significant :)

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@joepie91 like i think saving the material would be better, especially considering how easy to break they look

@joepie91 oh btw, your languages that work sorta like js thing, did anyone mention lua yet? i've been writing some the last few days for reasons.

@bananas It indeed ended up not working, but for an unexpected reason - the wire warped too much!

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