I feel like the whole dilemma regarding which browser to use could be resolved if websites stopped being gigantic trashheaps of javascript and simply went back to mostly being text and images
@schratze Honestly, of all the components involved, the most likely things to break in different browsers (and the hardest to implement for browser developers) are new CSS features and Shadow DOM stuff, not the JS
@schratze (Partly because there's a lot of different JS engines readily available, partly because there's well-established tooling to 'translate back' JS to a basically arbitrary compatibility target, and it's in widespread use, but neither hold true for HTML/CSS)
@schratze (Partly because there's a lot of different JS engines readily available, partly because there's well-established tooling to 'translate back' JS to a basically arbitrary compatibility target, and it's in widespread use, but neither hold true for HTML/CSS)