I am (still) looking for programming languages that meet the two following requirements:

1. Has a project-local, nested dependency/module mechanism (see wiki.slightly.tech/books/misce for explanation)

2. Does *not* have an import-all feature; ie. a way to import a module that causes all its contents to be injected into scope directly. I want languages that require explicit references of some kind (prefixing things with the module name is good enough).


@joepie91@pixie.town well not the first condition, but I guess that's from it not having a first-class package manager (yet)?


@natty I mean, a package manager isn't really necessary for this property to hold true; but the language does need to define a dependency model (even if it leaves the providing of those dependencies undefined).

Node.js had the node_modules structure before npm existed, for example, and that structure is what gave it this property

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@joepie91@pixie.town I guess in that case it depends if we consider the lack of built-in module resolution a disqualifying property?

@natty How does one load modules if there is no resolution?

@joepie91@pixie.town I assume files directly, because we haven't read up on/tried much Zig yet

@joepie91@pixie.town From what we understand, the stdlib is special-cased for resolution, and everything else is a file import of a table

So there's some similarity to JS imports I suppose?

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