One of my medications says "handle with care" on the box and I don't think I've ever had *fragile* medication before...
re: medication
@joepie91 hmm, that's pretty unusual. the only fragile medications i know of are because of glass packaging?
re: medication
@bananas These are just film capsules; a similar text was on the box of both the brand-name stuff (CellCept) and the generic replacement
re: medication
@bananas It's also really explicit about how you're not allowed to pulverize it
re: medication
@bananas Err, film tablets*
re: medication
@joepie91 hmm, that suggests maybe an even more unlikely thing - explosive capability? but that's surely ridiculous?
re: medication
@bananas It also exhorts you to keep it in the box to protect it from light, so I suspect it's just light-sensitive and the risk is in the film coating getting chipped and making the active ingredient ineffective
re: medication
@joepie91 yeah i found the light thing from a quick google. but that's not all that unusual.
re: medication
@bananas I expect that it's particularly sensitive to light (eg. instantly useless, rather than just accelerated decay), combined with the specific application of the medication (prevents organ rejection) being life-threatening if it goes wrong
re: medication
@bananas Also even the generics are probably the most expensive medication I have right now lol
re: medication
@bananas I take two of each of these every day:
(Yes, one is a tablet and one is a capsule, this stuff is packaged weirdly)
re: medication
@joepie91 bonkers
re: medication
@bananas At least it's not Fosrenol, of which I used to take 6-8 a day:
re: medication
@bananas My insurer paid 900+ EUR for a single 3-month renewal 🙃
re: medication
@joepie91 won't somebody please think of the poor pharmaceutical companies?
re: medication
@joepie91 yeah, it's probably an overabundance of caution thing cause of the consequences. but it's difficult to find any other logic
re: medication
@joepie91 and like if it was truly that light sensitive you'd think they'd go with caplets since it seems less likely they'd be damaged in a way as to compromise the light protection
@joepie91 No, you're supposed to peel that sticker off and put it on yourself