
2.7 billion years ago, life came to exist on this planet. 3 billion devices run Java. Coincidence?

Probably, honestly

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Also most of those devices are probably SIM cards

That's only partly a shitpost by the way, yes, your SIM card probably has a JVM or some other kind of Java environment

@joepie91 They must have fired the guy who counted devices a few decades ago, because 3 billion seems very low today

@joepie91 not sure if there are more sim cards or emv payment cards, both could certainly have javacard.

@joepie91 a much smaller contribution might be passports and biometric ID cards

@joepie91 the entire earth was actually a hhgttg-style supercomputer experiment designed to eventually produce the perfect bytecode interpreter. Unfortunately due to unexpected outside influence, it ended up creating the jvm instead

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