I'm considering offering free (encrypted) Borg backup space for marginalized creatures (mainly meant for personal stuff, space is somewhat limited, think tens of GB per user rather than hundreds) in two locations, NL and US.

Would anyone be interested in this? No availability guarantees but it's the same backup space that I use for my own stuff as well. Note that the server for the NL location is operated by a US company.

@joepie91 interested, but my borg backup is ~300 GB (worst case scenario with padding) for 1 server, and backing up my other much smaller server (imac, ~3 GB average) is not much of a benefit nor cost

and well, i can already pay for my own backups, so

(my total backups of everything are measured in terabytes. i have too much data)


@jacksonchen666 Right, I was more thinking of stuff like PC backups for creatures who don't already have server infrastructure, the kind of scale where it doesn't really make sense to maintain your own backup infrastructure and where the off-the-shelf options are often quite expensive (especially if you don't have much money).

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