CW meta, a subtoot I guess 

Not understanding the request for CWs or having different beliefs about their consequences is one thing, but if you're trying to argue that requesting CWs equals "suppression of speech" then I'm honestly just going to assume that you hold fascist beliefs

re: CW meta, a subtoot I guess 

@joepie91 At the very least, privilege poisoning.

Not having to care about the well-being of other people, that's privilege, toxic privilege.


re: CW meta, a subtoot I guess 

@androcat Nah, I won't grace freeze peach rhetoric with trivialization, and I will call it what it is: believing that you are fundamentally entitled to force others to engage with you, is a fascist worldview.

Toxic privilege would be the "not understanding" thing.

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re: CW meta, a subtoot I guess 

@joepie91 Maybe. Lots of them seem to be worried that CW will hurt their "very important anti-fascist communications", not realizing that they are limiting who will boost their crap by not being thoughtful.

re: CW meta, a subtoot I guess 

@androcat That's "not understanding", though, not a claim of "suppression of speech"

re: CW meta, a subtoot I guess 

@joepie91 Ah, sorry, missed the point there.

But, unfortunately, I see a lot of those "not understanding" people bristle at requests for CW.

Ignorance begets hateful acts.

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