re: CW meta, a subtoot I guess
@androcat Nah, I won't grace freeze peach rhetoric with trivialization, and I will call it what it is: believing that you are fundamentally entitled to force others to engage with you, is a fascist worldview.
Toxic privilege would be the "not understanding" thing.
re: CW meta, a subtoot I guess
@androcat That's "not understanding", though, not a claim of "suppression of speech"
re: CW meta, a subtoot I guess
@joepie91 Ah, sorry, missed the point there.
But, unfortunately, I see a lot of those "not understanding" people bristle at requests for CW.
Ignorance begets hateful acts.
re: CW meta, a subtoot I guess
@joepie91 Maybe. Lots of them seem to be worried that CW will hurt their "very important anti-fascist communications", not realizing that they are limiting who will boost their crap by not being thoughtful.