I tried to read a HN thread about Forgejo. That was a mistake.


galaxy brain techbro takes that require brain bleach 

Some highlights, paraphrased:

"Forgejo is just another fork by people who do nothing except take other people's work to earn money from it"

"If you want to see a company that successfully figured out how to make open-source work for a business, look at Gitlab"

(For those unfamiliar: Gitlab is open-core, not open-source)

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galaxy brain techbro takes that require brain bleach 

@joepie91 Also Gitlab is Ruby and demands an order of magnitude more hardware to do basically the same. One of my favorite tech articles of all time is the iron.io article about moving from Ruby to Go... (30 to 2 servers, where 1 of the 2 for redundancy...)

galaxy brain techbro takes that require brain bleach 

@joepie91 If you talk about earning money, it's more likely to be the other way around... Forgejo is a soft-fork of Gitea, which partly came out of the gitea.com side of things which scared the community a bit. Not to mention gogs, which is the non-community origin of the project. Goes to show that this highlight of yours shows extremely well how out of touch these people are with the reality of the situation, especially as Forgejo is linked to Codeberg, which is about as non-profit tech infra as it gets.

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