@joepie91 Of these, I only have a very slight preference for [ ] because on my keyboards it can be typed without shift. But any will do and I will probably hate it just the same.
The deciding factor, for me, would be how characters are escaped. POD has B<this is bold> and B<< 69 > 42 >> for "69 > 42" in bold, and that's nice except for the whitespace that becomes mandatory when doubling up. > can also be written as E<gt> but that's ugly.
@joepie91 Of these, I only have a very slight preference for [ ] because on my keyboards it can be typed without shift. But any will do and I will probably hate it just the same.
The deciding factor, for me, would be how characters are escaped. POD has B<this is bold> and B<< 69 > 42 >> for "69 > 42" in bold, and that's nice except for the whitespace that becomes mandatory when doubling up. > can also be written as E<gt> but that's ugly.