politics, personal PSA 

Just a personal heads-up for everyone I interact with: we've reached a point where if I see you in *any* way aligning with Trump or Musk, you are immediately going on my mental 'fascist' list with no further discussion and I will not speak to you anymore.

I don't care if you "didn't know how bad it is". The time for learning that is well past, so if you still "don't know", then I'm going to conclude that you didn't *want* to know and decide accordingly.

re: politics, personal PSA 

@joepie91 baffled that there are still these people tbh


re: politics, personal PSA 

@bananas It's a very specific kind of (privileged) person who doesn't want their personal comfort to be threatened in any way, and I am very much done spending my spoons on them.

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re: politics, personal PSA 

@joepie91 well, there are a lot of those, but this seems like an evolution (devolution?) of them.

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