
You know what I "love"?

When people who were previously openly bigoted towards me feel a shift in attitudes and start appealing to my humanity or sense of community or empathy or good political sense without owning up to, or even acknowledging, their past wrongdoing.

Pretending to be the "bigger man" when no longer allowed to be shitty has got to be amongst the most disgusting tactics out there.

re: transphobia 

I do wonder how many well-meaning people get fooled by this kind of rhetoric.


re: transphobia 

@oddtail A lot, in my experience, especially privileged folks :(

I've lost count of how often I've had conversations where I pointed out that they have never apologized or even acknowledged wrongdoing, and especially privileged folks would accuse me of having unreasonable expectations because "they've clearly grown as a person"

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