dang all 3 girls in the adhd doctor's waiting room have a cool black-pink style. girl in front of me not only is dressed pinker than me but also has golden hoop earrings bigger than mine. the other one is predominantly black but with pink accents, she has a Kuromi handbag

adhd meds 

looks like there's a lisdex generic in Germany now so we'll be getting that instead of Elvanse(tm). Hopefully it's actually the same—I know generics are supposed to be the same chemical at the same dosage, but I don't put intentional sabotage beyond the standards of big ol' pharma.


re: adhd meds 

@elilla Interestingly, a doctor in the hospital emphasized to me after my transplantation that I should get my anti-rejection medication from the hospital pharmacy because local pharmacies tend to swap out generics and they are not necessarily the same.

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