@mina Probably not quite the same problem you have with them, but from my perspective as a tutor, I hate 'bootcamps' with a passion.
They invariably promise impossible learning outcomes ("become an expert on _____ in two weeks!") and completely fail to teach foundational concepts, instead they tend to focus on rules-of-thumb and highly-specific patterns that aren't even appropriate in most cases, but it sure *looks* very advanced!
Every single time I've tutored someone who had tried a 'bootcamp' before, I spent the first few weeks to months 'un-teaching' all the nonsense they picked up during it... before we could start on the actual foundations of the skill.
@joepie91 @mina It is a really old webpage, but it is still very accurate: Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years https://norvig.com/21-days.html
What you tell, sounds so realistic to me.
Yes. Foundations are what you build upon.