
Bambu DRM, harsh 

I have to admit I don't have much sympathy for the folks who have gotten screwed by Bambu introducing DRM on their printers. What did you *think* was going to happen?

It would be different if this were a consumer product. But tinkerers and hackers really have no excuse, IMO - you are all sufficiently equipped to recognize when a company is gearing up for vendor-locking and DRM, and the writing was on the wall from the start with Bambu. Remember the filament spool RFID tags?

You chose to disregard the obvious warning signs and widespread cautions about their business practices, and gave them your money, free publicity, and free labour. You fucked around, and now you are finding out.

(And good luck "convincing Bambu to roll it back" or "working around the DRM", by the way. If you hadn't noticed, their business was structured to enshittify from the start, so you will be tilting at windmills forever. You'd be better off disavowing them right now and moving your work to an open ecosystem instead.)

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Bambu DRM, harsh 

@joepie91 All of this is news to me. I'll admit I've only been in the 3D printing scene for about a month so I'm guessing I'm too new to know what I had gotten myself into when I bought one of their printers. I'm definitely sadden by this news, even though I still don't entirely understand it. I do wish the warning signs were more evident when I was doing my research though. I guess that's the downside of hobby 3D Printing still being a relatively small community and search engines being worse than ever. 😩

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