"smart" hospital adventures 

My IoT app crashed when I tried to close the curtains and @Peetz0r's room tablet seems to be a hand-me-down from an entirely different hospital - coincidentally, the hospital I normally go to


"smart" hospital adventures 

Also the TV runs an Android(?) TV app but has Windows scrollbars

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re: "smart" hospital adventures 

@joepie91 terrible possibility: the android app is a thin client thing and the main UI runs on Windows on a VDI thing somewhere.

re: "smart" hospital adventures 

@Peetz0r It would be a very good integration then

re: "smart" hospital adventures 

@joepie91 If they reliably get smooth television streams trough that, then yes, a lot better than the Citrix setup my high school had in 2006~2009 :p

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