health, immunosuppressants, meta-ish but personal 

Soon, I'll be receiving a kidney transplantation. A kidney transplantation doesn't just mean that you get a new kidney - it also means that you will have to take immunosuppressive medication to prevent it from being rejected by your body as foreign matter.

How long will I have to take that medication? For the rest of my life, most likely.

Here are some of the consequences that immunosuppressive medication will likely have for me (not exhaustive):
1. I can no longer get vaccinations.
2. I can no longer attend events with high risk of infection - for me, that means eg. hacker events like Congress with no safety precautions, *especially* as long as COVID is a thing (which seems like it will be around for years to come).
3. There are certain medications for other health issues that I will never be able to take because of interactions.
4. I will be dependent on the *availability* of immunosuppressants for the rest of my life. If there is a shortage, there is a pretty good chance that I will die.
5. There are certain categories of foods that I will never be able to eat again; including grapefruits and adjacent fruits, smoked meats, and a couple of other things.
6. An assortment of different side-effects from the medication itself, ranging from mild to pretty serious.

The exact degree of some of these things will vary, depending on the needed dose I end up with.

But however it goes, this transplantation is a one-way street that means I will never have a 'worry-free life' again, from a health perspective, not even temporarily.

health, immunosuppressants, meta-ish but personal 

@joepie91 wow, that sounds bad.

my mom had a kidney removed and lives wel without one kidney for many decades now.

do you need a kidney transplantation because its already your last kidney?
what happened?

sorry to hear. either way, fingers crossed it qt least works out in the best way possible🤞


health, immunosuppressants, meta-ish but personal 

@serapath Unfortunately my kidney disease is one that has affected both of my kidneys equally, and I only have 10% remaining kidney function.

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health, immunosuppressants, meta-ish but personal 

@joepie91 oh no. 🫂 ...that fucking sucks 😔 ... i hope at least all the procedures will work without any complications.

I wish all the money in the world spend for military and other stupid nonsense would get dumped into medicine and biology to unlock some new treatments. Life is anyway so short, ...why not use our efforts on things that really matter.

Wish you all the best either way 🙂 🤞🤞🤞

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