chaos grumbling
The "but we can't ban [exploitative] AI! what if it turns out to be useful for something and we missed out on it??" contortions from some of the chaos crowd are disappointing but not remotely surprising. Apparently 'shiny toy' continues to be prioritized higher than 'ethics'.
hacker culture grumbling
@joepie91 I feel you. Have had the same experience. I'm handling it by trying to manage my expectations a little better.
hacker culture grumbling
@rtn I mean, I've been doing the same, but part of me feels like that *shouldn't* be the answer here...
hacker culture grumbling
@joepie91 I agree. But why would the hacker community be any different than other communities? You get some that are more hard-core and ethical and some others with not so hard-core values.
hacker culture grumbling
@rtn Right, but most communities don't present themselves as being ethical (accidentally or otherwise), that's the main difference.
There's a lot of talk about how hackers care so much about a better world, including from many of the hackers absolutely not living those ideals, and it just isn't accurate.
hacker culture grumbling
@joepie91 Yeah, you're right. It seems to me that this hasn't always been the case. Take a look at the original MIT hackers, I get the feeling they were more about nerding around and not so much about ethics. So there were a shift at some point?
chaos grumbling
@joepie91 same, i was really disappointed about how much of the program was “ai” related, and not in a critical way. not to mention that so-called “ai” is also deeply anti-hacker. they are closed systems owned by corporations. the only “ai” talks i want to see at something like ccc are about how to burn it to the ground.
hacker culture grumbling
This is... not exactly specific to chaos, rather applies to hacker culture in general, but...
What I was 'promised' from hacker culture, by means of social archetype, was "playing around with tech to make a more ethical world".
What I actually got was "playing around with tech, and maybe do some ethics if it doesn't get in the way of playing around with tech."
It has never stopped deeply disappointing me, and it's the main reason I don't really care for 'hacker culture' as a phenomenon anymore. It's such a shallow way to engage with the world, with delusions of grandeur about how 'deep' and meaningful it is.