that assassin 

It occurs to me that there have been no published videos or pictures of the arrest of the supposed assassin. Isn't that a bit weird, given the US' proclivity for perp walks?

re: that assassin 

@joepie91 there are photos now (for example, on NBC).

before that, they probably just detained him on site, and there wouldn’t have been videos of that unless someone shot one with their phone or something. i imagine they hustled him to an interrogation room somewhere and haven’t gotten him out until hours later, since they would’ve been doing the usual cop stuff and trying to get him to admit stuff.


re: that assassin 

@Dee Hm. AFAIK they usually quite like to record high-profile arrests, for copaganda purposes. Thanks.

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re: that assassin 

@joepie91 they did say it was a tip by someone, so they might’ve just sent some patrol cops to check it out, and weren’t really sure if they had the right person at first. cops harassing random people who just happen to look like the guy on TV is not something they’d want publicized too much.

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