twitter, DMA, EU 

So, Twitter is no longer designated as a "core platform service" (gatekeeper) under the DMA. Twitter's reasoning for this is.... interesting:

"First, X Holdings Corp. argues that X does not constitute an important gateway
for business users to reach end users within the meaning of Article 3(2)(b) of
Regulation (EU) 2022/1925 for the following reasons: (i) X is not part of a
digital/platform ecosystem, (ii) X operates on a small, decreasing scale, and (iii)
X’s relative user engagement is low and declining"

ref. and

twitter, DMA, EU 

@gsuberland I'm mostly wondering what the hell they're up to with this

twitter, DMA, EU 

@joepie91 trying to dodge responsibilities that would cost money, probably


twitter, DMA, EU 

@gsuberland But like, basically saying "we're already dying anyway" and seemingly deliberately burning down your platform is a *really* weird way to go about that

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twitter, DMA, EU 

@joepie91 I'm guessing he just hopes the advertisers won't see that? because he's an idiot?

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