subtoot of many, frustrated 

Jesus christ people. Someone explicitly tells you why they can't use open-source stuff for its poor accessibility, and you all choose to respond by going "it's not that bad"? What is wrong with you??? How do you STILL miss the fucking point of the post

subtoot of many, frustrated 

I certainly would like to see simple changes to make things easier for people. For every dozen projects that go out of their way to be accessible though, there will be one that naysayers can point the finger at. It's possible this is some problem throughout open source itself. But it's also possible they were just looking for something bad to say about open source, that people would be afraid to criticize. You don't hate handicapped people, do you? Then why don't you support honest hardworking corporations making closed source software? They're so much more thoughtful and reliable than those open source weirdos! Nobody is going to be a decent person for free!

re: ableism 

@cy You need to think long and hard about why your default assumption is that someone criticizing the accessibility of open-source must be (paraphrasing) some 'corporate plant' or otherwise malicious actor. Instead of looking inward about what *you* can do to improve the situation.

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