fedi meta, anarchism 

I'm seeing the exact same failure mode happen with fedi that I've seen for a lot of 'anarchist' movements - they proclaim that "nobody is in charge", and then fail to identify that someone *is* in fact informally in charge (who shouldn't be) but they're just not taking responsibility.

Perhaps we should be making a point of saying "nobody SHOULD be in charge of fedi" instead of "nobody is in charge of fedi", to help people understand that "nobody is in charge" is a goal that needs to constantly be defended, rather than one that has been magically achieved?

Like, "nobody is in charge" *is* a good model to aim for, but it does require actual work to keep it that way because some people will try to take power by any means necessary, it's not something you just proclaim and then you're done.

fedi meta, anarchism 

@joepie91 This is very interesting and I'd love to understand your mastodon experience better! hopefully without attracting whatever current personal conflicts are going on :D

With that said; are you seeing these accountability issues in mastodon server administration/moderation, or patterns of federation, or code development, or something else, or all of the above?


fedi meta, anarchism 

@doggo All of the above, to varying degrees.

Probably the most obvious case is how Mastodon de facto determines how fedi is structured due to its large adoption base, with the project being essentially controlled entirely by Eugen, and community concerns routinely being ignored.

There are less obvious patterns like it, too; operators of large instances who throw a tantrum and angrily shut down their instance with almost no notice, leaving thousands stranded... and as another reply mentioned, the frequent occurrences of racist behaviour in many places on fedi.

All of these are things that should have no place in a network like fedi, and yet they exist, all the while people are loudly proclaiming that "nobody controls fedi", when that simply isn't true. It *should* be like that, but it isn't, and too many people are unwilling to acknowledge that.

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