Hm. Has anyone done any work on modular databases, by any chance?

That is, databases which don't follow the paradigm of "a single schema for all the persistent state in your application", and which instead let different modules/packages do their own data management, but in a shared data store where data from different packages can link to each other easily.

@joepie91 Have you tried out anything from the level ecosystem? Key value store in the bottom. It's built to be modular.


@rtn I'm familiar with it (and have used some of it), but it's not really what I'm looking for in the sense that it doesn't actually solve any of the hard problems!

Sure, the modules are modular, and you *could* manually assemble it into some sort of modular data management setup. But it leaves the "how" of that undefined (especially things like relational integrity), and that is precisely the thing I am trying to work out here 🙂

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@joepie91 Aye. I figured that was the case but I thought I'd mention it just in case. And I agree, it's modular but leaves a lot of work and knowledge to the developer to design the rest.

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