rollercoaster of a day today 

Planned to go out today for my first attempt at 'political street conversations' - basically, plopping down some chairs and a table with coffee and tea in the city center, and talking to random people who feel 'left behind' in some way, to build community and 'update' my view of people's daily issues.

Unfortunately things got delayed and we left quite late, and then I dropped my phone on the street and the screen finally cracked, and then I realized I forgot my masks and had to go back for them, and by that point it was getting so late and I was in such a bad mood that it was not really worth it anymore :(

Back home I discovered (as I tooted about earlier) that it's apparently very easy to replace the screen on my phone (which I had so far assumed unrepairable!), so that was a nice surprise.

But still, sucks that I couldn't go out and try this today. Really wanted to get started with this project today...

At least I now know that it is in fact possible to transport three folding chairs, a folding table, two 2L thermoses, and assorted other stuff on a single bicycle.

rollercoaster of a day today 

@joepie91 can you post a pic of your packed bike next time you go? I'm really curious where you leave all that stuff!

Also: I love the idea of street discussions and I really hope you can reach and help some troubled folks ❤️


re: rollercoaster of a day today 

@StroomAfwaarts I'll try to remember :D

It was surprisingly simple to pack, if involved: large bike bags, thermoses on one side, everything else loose on the other side, then the box with the folding table flat on the luggage rack on the back, and the folding chairs sideways on there (so with the seat and legs pointing towards the left and the right, heavy side opposite the thermos side), and then just rigging the whole thing with a lot of bungee cords until it stays in place.

Does make the total profile of the bike almost twice as wide as it normally is, but it surprisingly worked fine! The folding table box pretty much works as a platform to rest the folded chairs on.

(The folding table is a tiny combo camping seat/table thing, basically a camping seat with a fit-over tabletop, big enough for my purposes but small enough to be bike-transportable)

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