: please recommend me (open-source) relational databases that are easy to run and *do not* use SQL.

(ORMs are not an acceptable solution, I am looking for something that is designed from the start to not use SQL)

@joepie91 I was going to jokingly suggest MongoDb knowing about that one post you made about why it was a garbage fire but it's also not open source. I'm sure they've fixed all of the issues you brought up with it though since and there is an open source version called FerretDB


@tachi I wasn't aware of the existence of FerretDB!

I'm skeptical of anything from the MongoDB lineage, because rather than being a set of concrete bugs, the problem was more the underlying design philosophy (that simply would create more bugs even if old ones are fixed).

I'm seeing that FerretDB is based on PostgreSQL though, which is potentially a reason to reevaluate that skepticism - as that should ensure that at least the core data storage is sound.

Any idea if they've fixed the query injection issues that always haunted MongoDB's syntax?

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@joepie91 Sorry no clue. I haven't touched any nosql db let alone mongo/ferret in years and never professionally. But yeah might be worth a revisit.

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