
politics meta (not fedi meta), why things never seem to go anywhere 

Something that frustrates me is that political discourse and action largely sorts into two buckets:
1. "Everything is fucked and we can't fix it anyway!"
2. "I'm doing my part already by being involved in <some local thing>, what more are you expecting?"

And they are both wrong but for different reasons; "everything is fucked" is a reasonable feeling to have but ultimately doesn't reflect what can *actually* be accomplished with the right organizing, and "I'm already doing my part, I can't do more" is *also* a reasonable feeling but ignores that the idea of a "first step towards progress" only works if you acknowledge that there are many more steps to follow!

And because the second category never ends up achieving large-scale change (because they consider the work done after the first step), the first category never experiences what can be achieved, and so the first category of folks doesn't get involved, and that then causes the second category of folks to keep feeling overextended, and on and on it goes in a circle.

The actual solution here is to start small, with an accessible first step, *and* treat that as a stepping stone towards larger, overarching organization, where you constantly keep pushing for that larger change (even if you personally are not the one doing the work there!).

But both categories of people will tend to reject this idea (often implicitly rather than explicitly), for a different reasons.

How on earth do we resolve this?

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