

If you claim that you've given up on leftist politics because "everybody seems much more interested in being miserable together than in actually driving change", and yet you've never so much as acknowledged people's dire situations with a word of solidarity or empathy, then that tells me an awful lot about what you think "leftism" means, and it's nothing flattering.

Bonus points if you're a well-off white dude who most likely works in tech.

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re: subtoot 

You know what the first step of driving real change is? Acknowledging the hardships of the vulnerable folks in your community, and doing work to support them so that they can be included in the process.

You know what it definitely isn't? Endlessly theorizing in a vacuum about the philosophy of a hypothetical better system while not even wanting to acknowledge that not everybody started from the same point in the first place. That's just theorycrafting.


@joepie91 isn’t “giving up” part of being the miserable leftists they claim to be annoyed by? 🤔


@joepie91 also, fine, give up on “politics” but that doesn’t mean you should give up on like helping people who need it. oh wait did they want an excuse to not do that? thrilling


@joepie91 I do not take part in politics™️ as in campaigning, donating to ones favourite political runner etc. I just like, help people? Because my existence is political, as is theirs? 🙄


@james I would be very surprised if these folks were ever doing that to begin with. And "intending to do that some day" doesn't count...


@james I'm going to generalize a bit here, but I suspect that in a significant part of these cases, they never really were on board with leftist ideology to begin with - they just feigned to be, because it was the socially expected thing, and so this is a convenient excuse to duck out.


@joepie91 evidently they weren’t on board with working with people because they’ve decided all leftists are miserable and not worth working with, a famously online and not knuckled down in the community, opinion


@joepie91 also, I wonder why those people are miserable? Never mind no need to look into that they’re just emo lazy losers 😇

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