
meta, mutual aid 

"Don't I get to decide for myself what I spend my money on?"

Sure, you do. But other people are going to see those choices and draw conclusions from that about your true priorities and beliefs.

Folks are not expressing their frustration with your donation choices because they believe they have any sort of authority over them - I think we're all pretty well aware that we don't.

Instead, folks are trying to tell you how they - the marginalized folks you claim to be supporting politically, to be clear - *really* feel about the way you put that into practice. Whether you are actually practicing what you're preaching.

Like with everything else, if you want to be an 'ally', you need to be listening to the people you claim to be an ally of, and follow their guidance on how to improve things for them, even if it is something you personally disagree with.

You have the choice not to do that, and to instead go by your own views of what is the best or most effective solution, but then you are not an ally - you're trying to be a *savior*, which is something very different.

That's your choice to make, but then don't call yourself an ally, and don't claim you 'support' marginalized folks, because you don't.

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