If you have Opinions about performance of webapps, please help me test a thing! Try interacting with the canvas here, and tell me what the performance and 'feel' is like for you, especially on older devices: joepie91-home.cryto.net:3500/

Scroll to zoom, hold right mouse button to drag. Work in progress; currently probably only works on desktops/laptops, and not likely to work correctly with screenreaders yet, although it *should* work correctly with assistive scrolling tools (but untested).

@joepie91 ok, when zooming in or out very much, the scroll often (if not always) pushes the focus to the upper left edge (outside of the colored rectangle, the scroll bars on the box are up/left), and as that happens suddenly instead of just discarding the invalid zoom it is pretty irritating. (especially as trying to go back and forth often causes it to flicker then.)

tested on Firefox 128.0 64-bit.


@fogti Yep, just ran across this as well. I'd fixed this bug a while ago but it seems to have come back :(

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