grumbling about Highrise City 

How do you make a city builder with lore focused around "sustainably growing cities to deal with increased centralized population" and... not have trains???


grumbling about Highrise City 

@bumblebeedc Yeah, I was baffled.

I noticed it only gave me roads, after a long spiel about needing ecologically sustainable growth and how the roads were congested etc. as an explanation for why I was expected to build and design a city.

So I was confused, started googling whether trains and such will be unlocked later. Answer seemed to be "there are no buses, and there's a DLC with metros and planes" (!!), absolutely no trace of overground trains anywhere...

It's a shame because it had some promising game mechanics, but this just makes me wonder whether the developers did *literally any* research into the subject matter at all.

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grumbling about Highrise City 

@joepie91 this is very baffling indeed. The game sounded promising, but I think I'll give it a pass 🤷🏻‍♀️

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