
venting, sort of subtoot 

Another day, another FOSS maintainer going "I will stop doing FOSS because this is not sustainable" and dismissing code sharing as a concept entirely, rather than recognizing that the extractive users (like corporations) are the actual problem here

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venting, sort of subtoot 

And this is not so much a complaint about that one maintainer, as it is a complaint about FOSS culture more broadly, and its chronic inability to recognize that capitalist power dynamics are something to defend from, not something to embrace,
leading to people tossing in the towel entirely.

This is going to keep happening as long as you actively invite corporations in your midst

Or to phrase it differently: a public commons can only actually work, if you eject those who only ever intend to take from it

(The use of the words 'eject' and 'intend' are intentional here; I do not believe that different licensing terms are a solution to this problem; it is a social problem, not a legal one)

re: venting, sort of subtoot 

@joepie91 yeah, i really hate how using something like this would get you excluded from 'being foss'

re: venting, sort of subtoot 


extractive users (like corporations) are the actual problem here

you know you’ve spent way too much time reading sspl discourse if you have a kneejerk reaction to this (generic “you”, i’m referring to me)

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