drug mention 

Remember that one time I was so intoxicated with cannabis that I was on sick-leave for a month?

Yeah, considering I've never been on cannabis I would've thought I'd remember that, but my health insurance does apparently.…
I do have the document on hand it is entirely unrelated to drugs at all so.… uhh.… yeah.

Getting that record corrected as we speak.

re: drug mention 

@benaryorg I have to admit I am intrigued by the concept of "intoxicated with cannabis"...

I've spent quite a good while in the company of people smoking a *lot* of the stuff and I can't say I've ever observed anything that could be described as that

re: drug mention 

@joepie91 ICD-10 F12.0 is a thing.… dunno what to make of it either

re: drug mention 

@benaryorg Wait. Is that just their way of saying "under influence of", then? I'm no psychoactive substances expert, but I don't know that "intoxicated" is the correct term there...

re: drug mention 

@joepie91 it literally spells "Akute Intoxikation [akuter Rausch]" in the ICD-10 GM. Are you taking offence unhappy with the German wording or my translation?


re: drug mention 

@benaryorg Oh no, my problem is not with your translation, all the English-language sources about the German system also use the term 'intoxication', I'm just wondering why it's called specifically that in German, because it doesn't make a lot of sense to me from how I understand cannabis to work

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re: drug mention 

@benaryorg I should probably look into this more at some point to figure out what's going on there

re: drug mention 

@joepie91 I mean, it uses a template of sorts for a variety of drugs (including alcohol) so the wording may be a little off for one of those, or the F12.0 specifically (as opposed to F12.3 for instance) may not be used much? :blobCat_shrug:

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