NixOS, the sponsorship thing, community safety 

Too many people in the community are comfortable with enthusiastically defending Murder Machines Inc., and too many other people just see that as a "difference in opinion" rather than being a direct threat to marginalized folks

I think you can probably guess which demographic this people belong to

re: NixOS, the sponsorship thing, community safety 

Anyway I guess I need a "will not collaborate with these people" list for NixOS now

re: NixOS, the sponsorship thing, community safety 

There sure is a lot of overlap between "people on this list" and "people who are involved in cryptocurrency stuff"

NixOS, the sponsorship thing, fascist 

I guess the silver lining is that Palmer Luckey (who runs aforementioned murder machine company) is now crying about censorship on Twitter

NixOS, the sponsorship thing, fascist 

@joepie91 good.jpg

Blood money is blood money. It's sad, but I was shocked when NixOS dropped them because I'm so used to companies just taking the money. This should not be the norm.

I quit working at Chef for renewing their contract with ICE (despite internal protests) and would gladly do it again.


re: NixOS, the sponsorship thing, fascist 

@jerry Yeah, that at least tells me that not all hope is lost yet. But at the same time, I am disturbed that it got accepted in the first place, and there are so many people defending it - I had not realized things had already gotten so bad.

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re: NixOS, the sponsorship thing, fascist 

@joepie91 yeah :(

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