A reminder that if you are on hackers.town, mstdn.party, or mstdn.social (and a couple other less common instances), I will not see your replies!

These servers are silenced here because while there are a fair amount of nice folks on there, they *also* have moderation issues or a set of policies that's just not compatible with that of pixie.town.

If you want to make sure that your replies arrive here, I would recommend moving to a smaller instance with better moderation and vibes :) Preferably one where you (can get to) know the people running it!

@joepie91 it's actually a lot of fun digging through the moderated servers and seeing the domain names and reasons for restriction, though wish they gave a reason for dragon style because I wanna know


@robinsyl If no reason is given, the reason is most likely 'bad vibes'

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