Summary of the debacle so far:

- My account seems to have been flagged and shadowbanned, based on the symptoms, but it doesn't actually say this anywhere in the UI

- The reason is unclear; I've received no notification or explanation of any sort from Github, and had to find out through someone at $customer not being able to see my comments

- I sent a support ticket 16 hours ago, and have gotten zero response or acknowledgment so far.

- *All* of my content, except for commits, is hidden without notice; it looks deleted to anyone not logged in as me.

- My repos are gone. Any PRs and comments I've made in other repos over the past decade+ are gone. My Gists are gone.

- This includes at least one Matrix MSC that's entirely gone, and many review comments on other Matrix MSCs and NixOS RFCs. There's just entire chunks of the standards process history missing now.

- Github's account data export only includes my own repositories; all contributions to other projects are missing. Gists are completely missing.

- I can no longer do my job for $customer, that pays my income; because anything I post in their private company repositories(!!) is also invisible - including everything I've worked on over the years, retroactively.

Like, mistakes happen, an account can get flagged for erroneous reasons, fine. But it's slowly dawning on me just how much impact this is having, with seemingly no recourse. And it begs the question of how many other people this has happened to.

Update: apparently it was a mistake on Github's end, and I have been unbanned.

Remaining questions:
- Why did that answer come 16 minutes after beginning to make noise about this?
- How could this happen in the first place?
- Why are there absolutely no mechanisms for repository owners to eg. undo this locally, so as to not break projects that were contributed to?


@RainofTerra Yep, they should all be visible again now

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