To emphasize: the article about Qualcomm sending back data is fearmongering to sell their own products. It's unnecessarily alarmist, and phrases things very misleadingly.

Like how "list of software" refers to Qualcomm's baseband processor software, *not* the software you've installed under Android, but they've conveniently phrased it to imply that it's the latter.

I haven't yet settled on whether the information that Qualcomm sends back is actually technically necessary, but Nitrokey's assessment is *definitely* wrong, and seemingly deliberately so. It's marketing, not a legitimate security disclosure.

@joepie91 tbh I didn’t feel like they refered to Software installed on android but to the actual Qualcomm processor software and that ur OS has not really a saying in it at all.


@pandora Right, but a lot of people are interpreting it as "software installed under Android", which makes sense when you don't know how baseband processors work, and it seems very much deliberately written to imply that without outright claiming it

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