
With this whole 'metaverse' hype it's really obvious who was around for Second Life and who wasn't

@joepie91 It is really making me want to revisit Second Life though.

@joepie91 I was, and it quickly turned into a shithole with spammers, abusers and trolls, with the occasional *heavily guarded* artful oases.

@joepie91 Without going far enough to talk about Second Life, we can use the VR Chat example.

@wasabi Ah, but the reason Second Life is so meaningful here is because it wasn't just a 3D world - it even had the same landlordism culture as the current-gen "metaverse" stuff is trying to peddle

@joepie91 It is still running, too.

It's really interesting to hear what Phillip Rosedale has to say about all this, too. I think he has changed his ideas over time.

every time someone talks about the cool new possibilities the metaverse will have and then they list them out and its like WE FUCKING HAD THAT ALREADY. YEARS AGO.

@joepie91 Same can also be said for some of the authors of the articles written.

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